Poetry 99 (a book with DVD) presents the best of a week-long series of live readings by South African poets that took place in Grahamstown in 1999. Even in their written form, many South African poems carry the intonations of the poet's voice, but seeing and hearing poets reading their own work has a particular vitality.
Poetry 99 is a valuable resource for poets, readers, and teachers of poetry. The 20 poets featured are: Robert Berold, Vonani Bila, Ingrid De Kok, Alan Finlay, Richard Fox, Louise Green, Colleen Higgs, Allan Kolski Horwitz, Nosipho Kota, Jethro Louw, Joan Metelerkamp, Isabella Motadinyane, Ike Mboneni Muila, Siphiwe ka Ngwenya, Mxolisi Nyezwa, Donald Parenzee, Lesego Rampolokeng, Dudu Saki, Kelwyn Sole, Anna Varney.